Deakin University is an Australian state funded college with around 50,644 advanced education understudies in 2014. Set up in 1974, the University was named after the pioneer of the Australian organization development and the country's second Prime Minister, Alfred Deakin. It has grounds in Geelong, Warrnambool and Burwood, Melbourne and learning focuses in Dandenong, Craigieburn and Werribee, all in the condition of Victoria.
Deakin University was formally settled in 1974 with the section of the Deakin University Act 1974. Deakin was Victoria's fourth college, the first to be set up in local Victoria and the first to represent considerable authority in separation training.
Deakin University's first grounds was set up at Waurn Ponds. The University was the consequence of a merger between State College of Victoria, Geelong (some time ago Geelong Teachers College) and the advanced education courses of the Gordon Institute of Technology. Deakin selected its first understudies at Waurn Ponds in 1977.
The Burwood grounds is on the site of the previous Burwood Teachers' College, furthermore takes in the previous destinations of the Bennettswood Primary School and the Burwood Secondary School. The educators' school directed two-year instructional classes for Primary School instructors, and three year courses for Infant Teachers (females just). It gave live-nearby settlement to nation understudies.
A merger with Warrnambool Institute of Advanced Education occurred in 1990. This was trailed by a merger with a large portion of Victoria College in 1991, with its grounds in Burwood, Rusden and Toorak.
The Rusden Campus was shut in 2003 and all courses were exchanged to the Melbourne grounds at Burwood. Rusden in this manner obtained by Monash University for its understudy settlement purposes.